Frequently Asked Questions

1 >Do you offer a guarantee?

Absolutely! If there is anything preventing our crews from accessing your property they will continue with their route and return later in the day. Curious if your crew missed your property or is on their way? Shoot our office a message and we will get back to you same day!

2 > Why did my crew only clear the front sidewalk?

Occasionally on heavier snowfalls our crews will clear high-priority areas (such as city sidewalks) first and return to complete secondary areas (like your patio and side walkway). If they do not return within 24 hours, please do not hesitate to reach out and our office would be more than happy to dispatch a crew right away.

3 > Do you offer one-time services?

Yes, we charge $90/man hour with a minimum charge of 2 hours for a one-time callout fee. Contact our office for a quote based on your property dimensions to learn how affordable it is to have peace of mind snow removal services.

4 >Do you offer virtual consultations?

We do! All our snow removal quotes is done virtually so you never have to step out into that beautiful -30 weather.

5 > Do I need to be present when the work is done?

No, you do not need to be at the property for any Exterior work. We will contact you during the job if we have any questions.

6 > What if I have a problem with my service?

At Grey Rock we strive for a 100% satisfaction rate. If you have any issues with the services rendered let us know within 48 hours so we can properly address your concerns.

7 > Can I sign up for half a month, or a portion of the season?

Yes, you can sign up for Snow Services on either the 1st or the 15th of the month & end their contract on the 15th or the last day of the month. This allows you to sign up for the first or last half of a month of your choice.

8 > I only use a portion of the driveway. Can you only clear a portion of my driveway?

No, we do edge to edge down to the pavement to avoid injuries and accidents. If you are adamant that we only clear a portion – we are happy to discuss options with you and come to a solution that works for all parties involved.

9 > I do not have a credit card. Can I pay your crew in cash?

We require a credit card to put on file but you’re welcome to pay via Cheque or E-Transfer. Payment is collected at the end of each month after services have been rendered.

10 > Do I get a discount if there is no snow during the month that I signed up for?

No, all our crews are kept on standby, so we do not offer discounts if there is no snow during a specific month of your contract. The crews rely on this income to stay on call. You’re paying the monthly rate for the peace of mind to have your snow removal taken care of without calling us each time you need service.

11 >How many times does your crew come out during a continuous snowstorm?

Our crews come out once in a 24-hour period during a continuous snow event.

12 > When do you start clearing during snowfalls?

Crews are dispatched on trace amounts of snow – we clear the snow within 24 hours of the end of the snowfall event.